Monday, January 17, 2011

Schizophrenia and A Beautiful Mind

I hope you enjoyed the film we watched in class, A Beautiful Mind. (Take note, titles of films are italicized.)

For your final blog post of the semester, I'd like you to take a look back at those 4 ideas (adjectives) we talked about that help determine a PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER. (Use the worksheet we completed in class as a reference guide, or your text copies.)

For each adjective, please give me a specific example of how John Nash's behavior qualifies. You need a total of 4 examples.

See me with any questions.

Ms. Johnson

Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas. What are you dreaming of?

You might be dreaming of a "White Christmas" but chances are you're dreaming of a lot of other things, too! Sigmund Freud (who we DID NOT talk about in Unit 6, ha ha) says that our dreams have Latent Content, or that there are underlying meanings and symbolism to our dreams.

In a blog post labeled "Dreams & Latent Content," I would like you to describe three dreams you have had recently or have had reoccurring throughout your lives.

Then, I would like you to look up on a web site or using a dream dictionary, their possible latent content.

*NOTE* Latent content of dreams may be graphic in nature. Please keep your blog school appropriate. See me with any questions.

And, may all your Christmases be white.
Happy Holidays!

Ms. Johnson

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Operant Conditioning

We have talked about Classical Conditioning, learning with out thinking, and Operant Conditioning, B.F. Skinner's work which pairs reinforcers and punishments with behaviors.

Complete this PsychSim 5.0 assignment in class today, and fill in the corresponding worksheet I will give you in class. Then, staple it to your Operant Conditioning Study Guide, which is due Monday, December 14th.

Have fun!

Ms. Johnson

Operant Conditioning Psych Sim:

Little Albert

Just like the game of telephone, Psychology can get distorted along the way.

Who HASN'T heard of the "Little Albert" study conducted by John Watson and Rosalie Raynor? But...what we thought we knew is not quite the whole truth.

Watch Michael Britt's podcast here to find out the truth (according to Britt.)

Here's episode 47:

If you want to know what happened to Baby Albert (there's many theories of this, too...), Britt has also investigated this Psychology theory.

Here's episode 114:

ADD TO YOUR BLOG: The three questions at the end of the "Little Albert" reading (pink sheet.) Title this blog post "Little Albert."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Classical Conditioning

Wow. That Pavlov was on to something. I know it can be confusing, though. SO let's practice some more.

Use this Psych Sim web module to go through the information, again.

Complete the worksheet and submit it to me.

Here's a fun Pavlov Game. Try it out!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bullying, Harassment, & the Need to Belong

We have spent several days talking about our need to belong (to groups, to a family, to clubs) and why students get ostracized from the group.

  • Has anything we have discussed with Mr. Verboomen, Office Schuette, or seen on MTV's "Flipped" opened your eyes to bullying, harassment, or how we treat other people?

  • Is their a line between ACCEPTABLE bullying or teasing and UNACCEPTABLE bullying? How do you know?

  • How can you as a KHS student make KHS a better place for all who attend? Can you change any of your behaviors to make all feel more accepted? Will you stop being a bystander?

Blog about your impressions & thoughts about what we've discussed this week.


Thursday, November 18, 2010