Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas. What are you dreaming of?

You might be dreaming of a "White Christmas" but chances are you're dreaming of a lot of other things, too! Sigmund Freud (who we DID NOT talk about in Unit 6, ha ha) says that our dreams have Latent Content, or that there are underlying meanings and symbolism to our dreams.

In a blog post labeled "Dreams & Latent Content," I would like you to describe three dreams you have had recently or have had reoccurring throughout your lives.

Then, I would like you to look up on a web site or using a dream dictionary, their possible latent content.

*NOTE* Latent content of dreams may be graphic in nature. Please keep your blog school appropriate. See me with any questions.

And, may all your Christmases be white.
Happy Holidays!

Ms. Johnson

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