Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Crazy" Celebrity Blog Post #2

The “Crazy” Celebrity and Psychology’s Perspectives
Learning Target: To explain behaviors by using psychology's perspectives.


  • Choose a “crazy” celebrity (one who exhibits irrational, strange, or just plain weird behavior.) For each psychological perspective, explain their behaviors based on the theories of that perspective.

  • A brief Lindsay Lohan example is provided.

  • These explanations need not be truthful, and you may take creative liberties to work the celebrity into the perspective – but be school appropriate! You must correctly USE and DESCRIBE the celebrity behaviors AND the perspective.

  • Banned celebrities: Brittney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Michael Jackson (Banned due to overuse by previous classes.)

Sample Assignment:
Name: Lindsay Lohan

Behaviors Exhibited: Heavy drinking, partying, drug use, alcoholism, provocative dress, unsuccessful relationships, questioning her sexual preference (while not "crazy" it may be distressing for the person experiencing it), tantrums & drama on the set, flipping the judge the bird while wearing sassy language painted on her nails, etc…

Because Lindsay was a child star, she never got a chance to “be a kid.” Lindsay is now regressing to a childlike state, called regression, and acting immature.

Cognitive: Lindsey thinks that if she goes out and is a “party girl” then people will assume she’s happy and fun-loving.

Biological: Hormones and neurotransmitters in her brain have caused her to be depressed. She is on medication to right the neurotransmitters.

Humanistic: Lindsay’s parents want her to “be the best she can be” so they encourage her and love her no matter what midnight stunts she pulls – they believe they’re encouraging Lindsay’s true self.

Behavioral: Lindsay is rewarded for her stupid antics…she continues to get publicity and press for being drunk, crashing her Mercedes-Benz into walls, etc…

How to set up your blog

Setting up your blog

Part I of your Technology Project for Unit 1

The Content of Your Site: Creating Your Academic Blog
Even though many of you have social blogs (i.e. Facebook), when you create your academic blog it will have a distinctly different look. You will have to create a free gmail account if you don't already have one. (The district has set this up for you via your login. SEE ME!)

Go to Blogger.com to create your site, please be sure to go to the Settings portion and select NO when it asks you if you want your site to be profiled in search engines, etc. (I want you to remain private!)

Once you have created your site, please email me your link at ajjohnson@kimberly.k12.wi.us so I am able be create a link to it on my master site, creatively titled, "Ms. Johnson's PsychoChatter" (That's as good as I get, sorry!) You can find it on http://www.msjohnsonpsychochatter.blogspot.com/


*Your site should be appropriate for an academic setting, following code of conduct guidelines.

*Do not put any personal identifying information on your site (no last name, age, place of residence, etc.)

*Your site should have a title - Make it unique, relevant and creative.

*Make sure fonts are easy to read and the page is not too busy -- this is an academic blog, remember!

*Always write in complete sentences and proofread your work before posting. Use the spell-checker that is part of Blogger.

*Each assignment should be specifically titled with the assignment number as well as a descriptive title.

Part 2 of your Technology Project for Unit 1:

Blog Post #1 - Introduce yourself to the class and to your Psychology teacher. Make it interesting, fun, and informational. Tell me what you like to do, what makes you tick, what your plans are post-high school. I will try to comment on everyone's post just as soon as I can.

Blog Post #2 – Follow the directions for the “Outrageous Celebrity” Assignment & post it to your blog.


Welcome to a new school year and to your Psychology-FVTC class blog.

The purpose and point of using a blog is many-fold.

1. It is paperless! Go green!
2. Let's face it - the world is getting only MORE technologically advanced. So why not embrace it? That means in education, too.
3. You can access the internet & blogs from most anywhere. They're very convenient!
4. Sometimes it is fun (and frustrating...and annoying...and hard) to embrace something new. Challenge yourself to go beyond a pen & a piece of paper!
5. You can interact easily with your fellow classmates & your teacher!

See information under "Creating your blog" to learn how to make your own Psychology Blog! (Follow directions carefully & be willing to make some mistakes along the way!)

Good luck & let's have a great semester!

Ms. Johnson