Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Crazy" Celebrity Blog Post #2

The “Crazy” Celebrity and Psychology’s Perspectives
Learning Target: To explain behaviors by using psychology's perspectives.


  • Choose a “crazy” celebrity (one who exhibits irrational, strange, or just plain weird behavior.) For each psychological perspective, explain their behaviors based on the theories of that perspective.

  • A brief Lindsay Lohan example is provided.

  • These explanations need not be truthful, and you may take creative liberties to work the celebrity into the perspective – but be school appropriate! You must correctly USE and DESCRIBE the celebrity behaviors AND the perspective.

  • Banned celebrities: Brittney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, and Michael Jackson (Banned due to overuse by previous classes.)

Sample Assignment:
Name: Lindsay Lohan

Behaviors Exhibited: Heavy drinking, partying, drug use, alcoholism, provocative dress, unsuccessful relationships, questioning her sexual preference (while not "crazy" it may be distressing for the person experiencing it), tantrums & drama on the set, flipping the judge the bird while wearing sassy language painted on her nails, etc…

Because Lindsay was a child star, she never got a chance to “be a kid.” Lindsay is now regressing to a childlike state, called regression, and acting immature.

Cognitive: Lindsey thinks that if she goes out and is a “party girl” then people will assume she’s happy and fun-loving.

Biological: Hormones and neurotransmitters in her brain have caused her to be depressed. She is on medication to right the neurotransmitters.

Humanistic: Lindsay’s parents want her to “be the best she can be” so they encourage her and love her no matter what midnight stunts she pulls – they believe they’re encouraging Lindsay’s true self.

Behavioral: Lindsay is rewarded for her stupid antics…she continues to get publicity and press for being drunk, crashing her Mercedes-Benz into walls, etc…

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